I’ve been invited to participate in a “blog chain letter” where we talk about our current WIP (work in progress) and add links to other authors so we can hop over and meet them. Here’s the questions: Q: What is your working title of your book? Sharp, the second book in the Mindspace Investigations series. Q: […]
Entering The Quiet Zone
Hello, internets: I have good news and bad news. The good news is, you will have a fantastic book in April. The bad news is, I’m about to enter revision mode (and therefore near radio silence). Be happy, for the less you hear from me now, the better your final reading joy. Much love from […]
My friend’s anthology is live
Hello world, My friend from Odyssey (and an amazing writer) is seeing her first anthology go live. The short story she has printed here is one of my favorites! Make sure to check out A.E. Decker. More info here in the official press release: SSGT Release 9-25-12 copy Get the anthology and her short story here: […]
Happy Dance!
The amazing Jessica S. of the World’s Largest Bookstore in Toronto has adopted me and Clean for their featured science fiction author for the next month! I am *very* excited!
Cover Reveal
We just got the covers for the second Mindspace Investigations book, Sharp, and the upcoming novella Payoff. Aren’t they fabulous? Sharp will be out April 2013 and Payoff will be out in March!
Grandpa and the Books
I’ve been thinking about my grandfather a lot lately. I missed him – at the book party, on the trip to the bookstore, even at the signing I did recently. Grandpa was my biggest fan; he gave me my first scifi book when I was young, and he read practically everything I ever wrote, even […]
Trip to the Bookstore
Look what Sam and I found at the bookstore… in the center, guess whose book that is? Me! In a Barnes & Nobles! Like a real author 🙂 There will be much rejoicing.
Wonderous Joy… while Feeling Like Crap
It was the best of weeks, it was the worst of weeks… It all began at DragonCon. Ah, glorious DragonCon, home to tens of thousands of delightful science fiction and fantasy fans… and the infamous Con Crud, that nasty sickness you get from rubbing shoulders with folks who don’t sleep all weekend… I was greatly […]
Blog Tour Continues
Yesterday’s posts at The Burning Hearts Revolution, The Qwillery and Janice Hardy’s Website Today at The Eclectic Reader and What the Cat Read. I have a pretty nasty cold still from DragonCon (thank you, con folks) so my recap will need to wait a little bit. Wishing you way more health than I have right now, Alex
Blog Tour Rolls On
After a delightful weekend at DragonCon (more later), my blog tour continues. Come see me at ALPHA Reader: https://bit.ly/Uo5cdp The Bibliophilic Book Blog: https://bit.ly/Q1ynzW and Bookin’ It Reviews: https://bit.ly/QjTn73