So I appeared on an online panel for JordanCon this week. To FTL or not to FTL. I let my science geek self fly, and I also cursed *several times.* You have been warned.
Want Mindspace 5 this year?
If you have already read my books and want me to write the next Mindspace w/ That Amazing Idea instead of *checks notes* ghostwriting a business book for an expert this summer, I need you to do a thing. Sign up for my list here: & check the box. Will I write the next […]
So I answered some questions for a book club…
A book club contacted me because they were reading Clean (yay) and wanted me to answer some questions. Since my answers were long, I thought you might like to read them. __ 1. How do you approach setting up a plausible tone of the period you are writing about when it has yet to happen? […]
Hi all, I just had another lovely fan reach out to me on Facebook wanting to know when the next book is coming out, so I thought I’d check in publicly. As of February 17 2019, with the fallout from November’s fourth round of Major Life Shit still dogging me, I’ve stopped promising a release […]
I Stand with the Kids of Parkland
When I was in high school, two shooters walked into Columbine High School and killed over a dozen people, injuring a score more. Columbine High School was a carbon copy of the high school I attended, and the administration was CERTAIN that we would have a copycat there. We drilled for it. We talked about […]
The Rhythm of Life With Toddler Doesn’t Include Blogging
As I’m sure you guys have figured out, blogging is largely not happening with my current writing and freelance load. The good news is that I’m writing again! I’m working on lots of fun and amazing freelance projects as well. And I’m spending a lot of time chasing toddler too. ๐ Blogging and social media […]
Life of a Writer: The Ten Minute Rule
As those of you who’ve been following me for awhile have seen, I’ve slowed down a lot since having a baby in terms of production. Some of this has been the simple fact of postpartum depression–a truly nasty thing no one should experience. But the clouds are lifting and I’m mostly on the other side. […]
My first attempt at Walk and Talk
Today was my very first “walk and talk,” a walk around the neighborhood while talking to an HD recorder app on my phone. It was surprisingly awkward at first โ talking to yourself, even if the moderate volume, is something most people still think of as reasonably crazy. Fortunately, it mostly really worked, as my […]
Did I mention I wrote a cool videogame story?
Hi all, so I wrote a cool videogame story a couple of months ago – the project is called Clockwork Heart, and you play it like one of the old “Choose Your Own Adventure Books,” picking your favorite option out of several to advance the story in whatever direction you prefer. Clockwork Heart is a […]
Creative Pages: Get Comfortable with Discomfort
To continue to train my writing muscles, I sat down today to begin writing the kind of words of encouragement that I myself need. Who knows? Maybe someday I’ll have a whole list of them that I can publish later. Maybe I won’t. Either way, today I gave myself a lesson on fighting fear. Note: […]