So I was surfing the Internet this morning, you know, avoiding writing this post, when I came across this article. Holy crap, Batman. British scientist Roger Shawyer’s odd and highly controversial closed-chamber electromagnetic space propulsion system, the EmDrive, not only works–which we had thought it might, since it tested well last year–but it works in […]
Squee! Manuscript Request
So Tuesday, a real live agent emailed me to ask to look at my full manuscript. Squee! I dropped everything and did a little happy dance and shrieked, and danced a bit more. Wait, let me back up. As most of you know, I made the Semis for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award this year, […]
The Gun Range: or, Control
In my writer’s group there are two gun nuts: one, a large bald tattooed guy, set off my instincts immediately. But, that could be that he’s large and tattooed. I didn’t actually notice the gun until Saturday, when he brought it out to show the group. The second is a fifty-something woman with short, gunmetal […]