On Friday I asked my email list (and the wonderful social media community) what you guys wanted for me to do to celebrate the launch of Vacant on December 2nd. I gave you some options, and you guys gave me some great ideas. Here’s the breakdown.
What bonuses should I give you guys to celebrate the launch of Vacant first week of December? Pick just two.
A video hangout with nine fans broadcasted live.
A Facebook question and answer session on her author page so everyone can join.
More Three Words-type stories, a new one every week until the launch.
Excerpts and deleted scenes from Vacant. Because Mindspace.
Ideas from you guys: Okay, I would like a short story on the Tech wars. Even if it’s a short short story For everyone. (I do think you can/should do a whole series on it. Or you may already be planning on it. :0) 11/2/2014 12:01 AM
Write the next book in Adams story so everyone can enjoy it 11/1/2014 11:37 PM
Give away ___free signed copies of new book in a contest of some kind related to previous books in series. Have random drawing from correct entries. Put small ad in creative loafing, atlanta journal, etc. 11/1/2014 5:22 PM
Rather than Facebook, have you considered a reddit AMA (ask me anything)? 11/1/2014 10:02 AM
Drawing for signed copy 10/31/2014 5:25 PM
Auction off naming a character, with proceeds going to your favorite charity. And the winner gets a signed copy of Vacant. |
First off, you guys rock. You asked for things and you will get them.
First, I will be sending out the promised excerpts and deleted scenes to my email list only for the next two Fridays, and then more frequently leading up to the launch. So if you want more Mindspace, make sure you’re on the list! This is your fair warning – these will be list-exclusive items. (Hint: if you’re not on the list, wander over to the box on the bottom right and sign up. You’ll also get some free non-Adam short stories.)
Second, because you guys asked, I’ll be doing a Facebook question and answer session sometime in the week leading up to the launch. It’s a little tricky since that’s Thanksgiving week, and most people will be traveling. Perhaps the Monday evening before the launch Tuesday would work out best?
I’m also playing around with the idea of a Q&A (on Goodreads, perhaps, or Reddit if I can figure that out) the week after the launch for those who read early and want to ask follow up questions. A kind of Book Club for the true fans. Might be a fun Saturday activity on the 6th. What do you say?
As for your awesome ideas:
- I will be doing a signed copy drawing on Goodreads. Great idea.
- I’m drafting Book Five during NaNo, so that’s already in the works. Yay!
- I also *love* the idea of auctioning off a named character for charity, so I’ll do a bit more digging on how that works (suggestions welcome).
- Last but not least? The Tech Wars stories are something I want to do, but I want to finish Adam’s series and at least one more in another world before I come back to them. I love that you guys are so excited! Please do be patient with me while I make the other ideas in my head happy 🙂
Oh, and stayed tuned. I’ll be doing something special for my blog tour this time!
Only 28 days and counting…
Yay to everything!! I am just happy we are getting more Mindspace!
I CAN NOT WAIT for the stories of the Tech Wars! So glad someone suggested that. I even wrote that in one of my Audible reviews. So add my vote to that as well.
“Patiently” waiting 🙂
Vote heard and patience appreciated 🙂 Thank you for reading and the support!
*waves hi to Susan as well*
Loved the first excerpt! Looking forward to the 2nd one …and then the whole book. 🙂