So it’s been kind of a hard week. Beginning on Thursday, the baby got sick with bad congestion – which turned into vomiting, lots and lots of vomiting. Fun. There was a trip to the doctor somewhere in there, some good intentions and lots of scrubbing vomit from the floor, but mostly it was comforting the baby who found all the vomiting traumatic. I don’t blame her at all, but screaming was no fun for me. Then, Sam started vomiting – even more vomiting than the baby had, epic epic vomiting. He was eventually so bad that if he had thrown up one more time, we would’ve gone to the ER. In the end, he was able to keep enough water down to get through the night and started turning around–far too slow.
Then, as the baby was starting to feel better, baby vomit turned to baby diarrhea – easier for her, and less scrubbing of the furniture for me, but still very demanding. Especially since I hurt my back a few weeks ago. Fortunately, my mom responded to the SOS and swooped in to help. Just in time. Even with a back brace, things were getting far too difficult. Sam was weak as a kitten, sleeping nearly all day. I was starting to feel sick, and of course, the baby started to feel better – and then start teething with her front molars. The most painful teeth of all. My kid who won’t snuggle to save her life wanted to be held every hour of every day. And I couldn’t lift her without pain. Let’s just say, my mom earned all the thanks by taking care of babies so I could go lay down and sleep.
My mom made me sleep, and eat, and I managed to limp through my work deadline, and put another one off until next week. And finally – finally – take a minute to think.
This parenting thing is hard.
Tell me about your worst parenting week so I feel a little better, k?
sorry, can’t provide you any horror stories, just loads of sympathy for your week of horror-vomit! Sounds like things are improving. I hope everyone gets well quickly. And thanks, mom!