I’ve been hanging out with an old friend today and, as usual, we’ve been talking. She went through a traumatic brain injury in a car accident a few years ago and has struggled with nerve pain since. I had an unusually high level of pain in the birth and afterwards, so we end up having […]
Little Scientist
So I’ve been watching my almost-ten-month-old daughter interacting with the world lately and thinking about how much she’s like a little scientist. Everything is new, and she is busy investigating all of it with the single-minded determination that is both fun, challenging playful interaction with the world and serious work. She doesn’t know much yet, […]
The Great Experiment
At the advice of my brilliant writer friend A.E. Decker, I am attempting the Zen Master Opposite Day feat of writing by the seat of my pants. Yes, this is everyday awesomeness for many writers–including baby writer me, once upon a time. But writing classes and plotting practice and deadlines all conspired to make me […]
On the Page
For me, this year has been about humility. Not only the humility of realizing how hard parenting is (parents out there, I am sorry. You guys are amazing and deserve much credit!) but also the humility of struggle. There’s nothing quite like hitting your personal wall over and over again to teach you that sometimes, […]
Pip is here!
So it turns out that chasing after a newborn and recovering from a 40+ hour labor is kind of intense, and takes a lot of time–specifically, offline time. 🙂 Pip is almost six weeks old now, though, and I’m feeling better and starting to get a vague clue of how this kid thing works. I […]
Cover Reveal for the Cherabino Novella!
Hi all, I am thrilled to reveal the cover for Temper, the novella from Cherabino’s point of view. It happens at the same time as Adam’s novella, Fluid, and judging from beta reader reactions, everyone is *loving* the chance to get inside Cherabino’s head. She was very fun to write! The amazing Scarlett Rugers has done it again. Here’s the […]
Rabbit Trick Now Free!
“Rabbit Trick,” the very first short story featuring telepathic detective Adam Ward, now has a new cover by the amazing Scarlett Rugers! To celebrate, the ebook will be completely FREE for the next few weeks on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. If you have friends or family who’ve been wanting to get into Mindspace, […]
Two New Covers!
I’m excited to announce two new covers from the amazing Scarlett Rugers, one for an old project and one for a new one 🙂 First, for the old project. I’ve long been dissatisfied with the cover for the first short story in the series, Rabbit Trick, and Scarlett has redesigned the cover for me. Isn’t […]
Cover Reveal
We are just days away from the launch of Fluid, the Mindspace Novella #4.5! (Coming out in or around October 27th.) To celebrate the launch, I’m thrilled to share the amazing cover of Fluid, designed by the incredible Scarlett Rugers. It’s a brand new look for the shorter works, but it harmonizes so well with the existing covers. I couldn’t […]
A New Plan
So as most of you who’ve been reading the blog know already, I’ve been having a rough time while pregnant, with sharply limited energy and brainpower. (Sadly. I walked into Panera the other day, gave the lady at the counter my Kroger card, forgot to pay her, and then ran into a wall. True story.) […]