Well, it looks like I got scooped by a few bloggers (and Amazon) with the cover of Book Four. But! For those who haven’t seen it yet, here is the amazing cover of Vacant, due out first week of December this year. Isn’t it gorgeous? You’ll notice the buildings and cobblestone streets are from River Street […]
Trading Questions with Rachel Aaron (Bach)
Hi all, Recently I asked Rachel Aaron (penname: Rachel Bach) to stop by my blog for an interview. Instead, she offered to trade questions so we’d both stop by each others’ blogs for an awesome event. Of course, I agreed. My questions on her site are here (oops! Link added). Hers on mine are below. ————— […]
As most of you guys know, I’ve been working on a collaboration project with friend and critique partner Kerry Schafer. It (hopefully) will turn into a suspense novel about a hotel ghost. This is both of our first co-writing experience, and it’s been an interesting one, with ups and downs. It’s been a pleasure to […]
A Reflection on Process
A friend asked me yesterday how to face the blank page without getting frustrated that it’s going to take time and many rewrites to get it right. I told her that the process itself is comforting. She laughed, and asked if I had any advice on how to learn to love the process. Here’s what […]
Thermodynamics for Geeks
Hi all, I recently met Abe, a fellow physics nerd, at a board game night with friends. He helped me add to my physics-based Mindspace system (while doing the hard math for me), and generally helped me get excited about physics again. Physics, if you didn’t like that class in high school, is basically the […]
All the Shiny Things
So I just turned in the revised manuscript for Book Four, Vacant. There will be a round of line edits and copyedits after this, but essentially, I’m done. Since this was the last book on the contract for now, I have no hard and fast commitments for the rest of the year. This is a […]
Interview with A.E. Decker
I continue my interviews of other wonderful authors this week with a stop by from my Odyssey classmate and good friend A.E. Decker. Her latest short story is up (for free) at Crowded Magazine. Thanks for stopping by the blog, Ann! 1. What’s your story? Who are you, the person? Damned if I know. I’m […]
Interview with Don DeBrandt (DD Barant)
I recently invited Jennifer Estep to the blog, and you guys seemed to enjoy the stop. So, I thought I’d continue to invite authors whose work I’ve loved. This time it’s DD Barant, the pen name for Don DeBrandt for his Bloodhound Files series. His heroine is sharp, interesting, and ready to kick butt. Plus […]
Savannah Research Trip
Recently I went to Savannah for an incredible research trip for MSI Book Four (Vacant), and I can’t wait to tell you about it. I ended up staying with family friends, who unexpectedly knew *everyone.* Day One, we spent touring the city. I picked out a place for the judge’s house, where a large portion […]
Blog Tour Wraps Up
As the blog tour enters its final phase, here is more awesomeness for your reading pleasure. (Many of these have giveaways this week so make sure you click through.) Read 10 Things I Learned In School (Hint: not subjects) over at Jean’s Book Nerd. Find out whether I think the Tech Wars could really happen […]