For better or for worse, eventually the storm subsides, the waves calm, the sun rises, and it’s a new day. That’s not to say that everything is perfect, or that the next storm isn’t right around the corner. But for a moment – a small, quiet moment – you get a chance to breathe. I […]
Renewal in Venice
A few months ago a good writer friend of mine started making noises about going to Venice, Italy in February (now), and having me and some other friends come along to split the costs of the Airbnb house. Venice has *always* been on my bucket list, so I figured out how to get the money […]
Pip is here!
So it turns out that chasing after a newborn and recovering from a 40+ hour labor is kind of intense, and takes a lot of time–specifically, offline time. 🙂 Pip is almost six weeks old now, though, and I’m feeling better and starting to get a vague clue of how this kid thing works. I […]
Letting Things Go
I realized on Tuesday, in the middle of a conversation with a friend, that I have two speeds: superachiever and yawn, why bother. I took 4 AP classes my senior year in high school, on top of a ton of family obligations. I decided last year to run a 5k, from ground zero, with asthma […]
Exhaustion & Updates
So I’m coming up on the halfway mark for this whole gestating-a-human-being thing, and I’m learning (slowly and painfully) that I can’t do quite as much creative work as I would like to do at any given time. Pregnancy is exhausting, for one. Bone-crushingly exhausting. I literally spent ten minutes this afternoon fantasizing about taking […]
Taxes & Experimental Ballet
So this past week was Taxes week for me. The downside of being self-employed is that my taxes are much, much more complicated than were back when I had a regular 9 to 5 marketing job. I have to track royalties, self pub sales from Rabbit Trick, audio and other rights sales, and freelance gigs […]
The Trouble With the Back…
So I hurt my back this week. You know, the normal way, lifting something unusually heavy several times this weekend followed by toting an insanely heavy bag all over the coworking facility in high heels. Twice. Then lifting said bag at lunch, from the floor, twisting. #ouch #andtherewenttheback The trouble with the back is that […]
Too Many Choices
There are two great truths in any life: Given enough time, resources, and energy, you can do anything. There will never be enough time, resources, and energy to do everything. I am running up against the second rule like crazy right now. I have literally a pile of “Someday/Maybe” work and an even bigger pile of […]
As most of you guys know, I’ve been working on a collaboration project with friend and critique partner Kerry Schafer. It (hopefully) will turn into a suspense novel about a hotel ghost. This is both of our first co-writing experience, and it’s been an interesting one, with ups and downs. It’s been a pleasure to […]
Finding the Joy
So this week I’m hanging out with friends from Odyssey for a writing retreat focused on finding our joy in writing. It’s so easy for publishing and deadlines and craft and pressures both internal and external to steal that joy, so periodically we come back together to encourage one another. I am *so* lucky to […]