Well, the announcement came out yesterday, so I can finally talk about my big news! Here’s the quote from Publisher’s Lunch, which covers the latest sales of books to publishers: Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award semi-finalist Alex Hughes’s first two books in a dystopian thriller series featuring a telepath forced to assist a hostile Atlanta police […]
Update & Happiness
I’ve been holding off on updating the blog since I’ve gotten to Odyssey, partly because of the intense workload, and party because I’ve been waiting to share the details of the happy phone call I got on the first day. Still waiting for some of the details on that to work out (more details later) […]
Squee! Manuscript Request
So Tuesday, a real live agent emailed me to ask to look at my full manuscript. Squee! I dropped everything and did a little happy dance and shrieked, and danced a bit more. Wait, let me back up. As most of you know, I made the Semis for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award this year, […]
An Interesting Dilemma
For those of you who haven’t heard as of yet, I am a Semi-Finalist for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards. This is awesome(!) but also leads to an interesting dilemma. I’ve made it into the Odyssey Writing Workshop, a pro-level six-week intensive held in a college during the summer. I’ve put down my money to […]
Happy Dance!
I found out Tuesday that I made the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards SemiFinalists! For those that don’t know, that’s top 50 out of 5,000. It’s a miracle, and a dream, and only one cut away from a trip to New York. I’ve said since January that this was going to be the year – and […]
Woot! Next Round of ABNA
In an exciting turn of events, Alex has made the Quarter Finalists cut for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards. Only 250 folks make it out of 10,000 – top 2.5%, baby. In a crazy twist of fate I was chosen and one of the ladies in my writer’s group was not. Since she made the […]
The Gun Range: or, Control
In my writer’s group there are two gun nuts: one, a large bald tattooed guy, set off my instincts immediately. But, that could be that he’s large and tattooed. I didn’t actually notice the gun until Saturday, when he brought it out to show the group. The second is a fifty-something woman with short, gunmetal […]
Decisions, Decisions
As I wrote about earlier in the week, I found out I am accepted to both the Odyssey and KU’s Novel Writing workshops. Woot! Sadly, they happen in the same timeframe, so I had to choose. After talking to Kij Johnson and several students she recommended, as well as doing some research on Odyssey, I […]
Small Triumphs & a Happy Dilemma
Well, it’s been a crazy week – and a good one, full of lots of little triumphs. I found out on Thursday I made it to the second round of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards (yay me!)…. which puts me competing against only a thousand people instead of ten thousand. Here’s hoping I make it […]
Huge Milestone meets the Importance of Proofreading
The take away (other than the importance of proofreading) is that I got the book done. Really done. And I’m proud of myself with all sincerity for finishing the project I’ve been working on for five years or more. After a lot of sweat and tears, Clean has finally lived up to its potential.