I am sitting here staring at a pile of envelopes addressed to me. They arrived while I was in Italy, and each is from a different city–one even from New Zealand. Each is handwritten in a different hand, on different cards and handmade drawings and happy stationary. And none is signed except with the name (or symbol) for something called the Carp and Bee Society.
I have opened up these cards, one at a time over the last week or so, a time when my spirits were very low since I hurt my back coming back from Venice and can’t take care of the baby quite yet. I have opened up the cards and read line after line of kind words–and even a poem!–from incredible people telling me to hang in there, to keep writing, to hope and write and create even in dark times. Every line has meant the world to me.
To the fans–to Carp and Bee, whomever you are–thank you.
I am touched beyond words.
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