So today I’m sitting outside in the Atlanta spring sunshine on a bright orange lounge chair, soaking up the (surprisingly hot) sun and feeling the breeze. The trees outside my back porch are still bare from the winter, and just a few days ago it was 40 degrees out. Now it’s 77, and I’ve got bare feet and a ridiculous hat. My back is even behaving today, no pain and just a little stiffness down the side and leg. Stiffness and discomfort is *worlds* better than pain, especially when one has a ridiculous hat.
I’m having a ball, with my writing music on and the smell of spring in my face. I may end up with a sunburn. This is a real worry–those of us with too much Swedish and Irish blood in the mix tend to burn at the mere threat of sun. But for someone (i.e., me) who spent the entire winter at least half-cold, to have the bones all the way warm and the sun shining is a glorious thing.
Tomorrow I’ll go back to coworking. Tomorrow I’ll be a real adult again, at least for a few brief hours. But today I’m playing hooky with the laptop and the sun and All Things Beautiful.
Today, I may even get some great words on the page for Adam and Mindspace. That would be a beautiful, beautiful thing.
Up here, just north of NYC, there’s still snow on the ground. And this morning was 28 degrees :-(. On the bright side, I can see grass! At least, I think that’s what that green stuff is…