As most of you know, I turned my manuscript in early (yay me!) with all of the edits from my editorial letter except one completed. I detailed what I had done in the email, explained why I’d chosen not to do the last small thing (I’m saving it for the next book), and sent it off. This was maybe three weeks ago.
On Friday Jesse and I talked about what I had done. The good news? She loves the big picture changes, including the new ending. She even agrees with my argument for the last small thing I didn’t do. However, she wants me to take out two minor characters I put in this round. Sigh. She’s right – they probably don’t belong in this book – but I like the second one, a spunky old lady. She’s funny at an emotional low point in the book, unfortunately, which messes up the whole mood at that point. So, spunky old lady, you’ve got to go. We’ll find you a story elsewhere, one where you can be the star, but this isn’t it.
The good news is that this round of edits shouldn’t take long. I’m *so* close to done I can taste it!
I saw a Michael Stackpole panel at DragonCon about how short stories and novellas are born from “main story from the POV of a minor character.”
So I like the way you think re: the spunky old lady. Maybe she can have her own adventure in a tie-in short story you can sell.
I saw a Michael Stackpole panel at DragonCon about how short stories and enlolvas are born from main story from the POV of a minor character. So I like the way you think re: the spunky old lady. Maybe she can have her own adventure in a tie-in short story you can sell.