I’m hanging out with the lovely ladies of Tynga’s Reviews and answering questions. I do hope you stop by to chat.
Blog Tour, Day 16
Today I’m over at Literal Addiction hanging out and answering questions. Stop by for your chance to win a copy of Clean.
This weekend I will be hanging out at JordanCon and I hope to see you there. For more information including a schedule of events head over to https://www.jordancon.org/.
Blog Tour, Day 15
Wow. I can’t believe I’m already more than half way through the blog tour. Time is sure going by fast. Have you been keeping up with all of my stops? Today I’m visiting two blogs and giving away copies of Clean. Follow me over to That’s What I’m Talking About, where I’m talking about my […]
Blog Tour, Day 14
Are you keeping up with the Sharp Blog Tour? Here are the posts from the last few days. Stop by to chat and enter to win copies of Clean! Ex Libris – Stop by to learn 5 things about Paulsen, Adam’s boss. What the Cat Read – Join me for a fun interview. My Bookish […]
Today I sat in a coffee shop next to a lady who was working on her first book, a memoir about her experience with violence towards women. She’s a spoken word artist and a writer, she says, and she has things to say that she wishes someone had said to her. What touched me about […]
Blog Tour, Day 10
Today I’m over at All Things Urban Fantasy and talking about the Top 6 Abilities that are possible in the Mindspace Investigation series. Stop by and let me know what ability you would chose to have + enter to win a copy of Sharp and Clean!
Blog Tour, Day 9
Today I’m over at Amberkatze’s Book Blog answering questions. Stop by and say hi, plus enter to win a copy of Sharp!
Blog Tour, Day 8
I’ve been remiss the last few days with posting my tour stops. Sorry about that. Here are the stops I’ve missed + today’s stop. Fantasy Book Addict – Check out my interview + enter to win a copy of Clean! Anna’s Book Blog – Another fun interview and giveaway. Dark Faerie Tales – I’m hanging […]
Blog Tour, Day 4
Today I am over at Chuck Wendig’s blog, Terrible Minds and I’m answering 10 questions about Sharp. I hope you stop by.