I realized on Tuesday, in the middle of a conversation with a friend, that I have two speeds: superachiever and yawn, why bother. I took 4 AP classes my senior year in high school, on top of a ton of family obligations. I decided last year to run a 5k, from ground zero, with asthma […]
Talk Nerdy to Me: Jason Brick Talks RPGs
Note from Alex: Please welcome Jason Brick to the blog for today’s Talk Nerdy to Me post. Jason talks about one of the favorite geek past times: the ever-popular Role Playing Game. Take it away, Jason! About a month into our relationship, the woman who would become my wife called me her “Boyfriend of […]
The Right Kind of Talking
Over the last few weeks, as an experiment, I’ve been talking to a writing coach, specifically, Cathy Yardley of Rock Your Writing. I started out just wanting some accountability, you know, I will get this thing done by next week. Then next week comes and she asks me, “Did you get this thing done this […]
A Great Week
It’s been a great week. I finished revision on the Mindspace novella on Friday and sent it to my editor! I will pause while you rejoice with me 🙂 I got Jesse Feldman, my old editor from Penguin who is now a freelance editor, to agree to edit both the novella and Book 5! So […]
Exhaustion & Updates
So I’m coming up on the halfway mark for this whole gestating-a-human-being thing, and I’m learning (slowly and painfully) that I can’t do quite as much creative work as I would like to do at any given time. Pregnancy is exhausting, for one. Bone-crushingly exhausting. I literally spent ten minutes this afternoon fantasizing about taking […]
Talk Nerdy to Me: I Am Not a Mathematical Genius
One of my favorite female characters in all of science fiction is Aelliana Caylon from the Liaden series. She’s a brilliant mathematician who can do complex hyperspace equations in her head faster than a navigational computer. She also wins a spaceship at cards, because math. She has her flaws–she’s anxious and unconfident, like me sometimes–but her […]
Taxes & Experimental Ballet
So this past week was Taxes week for me. The downside of being self-employed is that my taxes are much, much more complicated than were back when I had a regular 9 to 5 marketing job. I have to track royalties, self pub sales from Rabbit Trick, audio and other rights sales, and freelance gigs […]
Return of the Sun
So today I’m sitting outside in the Atlanta spring sunshine on a bright orange lounge chair, soaking up the (surprisingly hot) sun and feeling the breeze. The trees outside my back porch are still bare from the winter, and just a few days ago it was 40 degrees out. Now it’s 77, and I’ve got […]
Return of the Back
Whew! It’s been a few weeks since I hurt my back (what felt like 4 or a billion years or so) but I’m finally feeling better. Still a bit sensitive, and my IT bands are still driving me nuts, but I made it back to the gym with Sam yesterday and walked on the treadmill, […]
Talk Nerdy to Me: Space
So today is the first post of my new Talk Nerdy to Me series, where I ask friends (and myself) to talk about their (and my) favorite nerdy passions. Today I talk about my totally irrational love for space. It dates back to when I was That Kid. Awkward. Smart. Braces. Overweight. Asthma. And I […]