This is a direct copy of the email sent to me today, for those interested: Dear Alexandra,This is a reminder that the AWC 2011 Spring Writing Contest is accepting submissions now. The deadline is April 16. Send in your best work today and compete for cash prizes, an addition to your writing resume, a snappy certificate, […]
Dealing with Rejection
Rejection is a part of every writer’s life. It’s as essential to the journey as words, and as certain. But dealing with rejection well…. that pressure to succeed, that push to be great that lies within each one of us runs up against a hundred politely-worded letters telling us we haven’t made it…. and grinds […]
The Gun Range: or, Control
In my writer’s group there are two gun nuts: one, a large bald tattooed guy, set off my instincts immediately. But, that could be that he’s large and tattooed. I didn’t actually notice the gun until Saturday, when he brought it out to show the group. The second is a fifty-something woman with short, gunmetal […]
Decisions, Decisions
As I wrote about earlier in the week, I found out I am accepted to both the Odyssey and KU’s Novel Writing workshops. Woot! Sadly, they happen in the same timeframe, so I had to choose. After talking to Kij Johnson and several students she recommended, as well as doing some research on Odyssey, I […]
Small Triumphs & a Happy Dilemma
Well, it’s been a crazy week – and a good one, full of lots of little triumphs. I found out on Thursday I made it to the second round of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards (yay me!)…. which puts me competing against only a thousand people instead of ten thousand. Here’s hoping I make it […]
What is a Western?
In the Western genre (so much as I understand it, not being an expert), two movements struggle for ascendency: lawlessness and law. There are good guys and bad guys – the white hats and black hats, and very occasionally, the gray hats where modern writers blur the line on purpose. Life is hard, and a Colt revolver or other period gun goes a long way to making your word the final say on the matter. There’s this ongoing feeling of justice and a civilization that might be over the horizon but that we all feel should impact our lives even in this lawless place. The sheriff ought to be able to catch the bad guys. The girl ought to be able to avenge her father. And the choices that we, the townsfolk of the frontier, make – well, those will determine everything. Whether the law falls apart and we become brigands and saloon girls or the law wins and the “decent” womenfolk are welcomed as mailorder brides. It’s the tension that makes the West, the West.
Time to Work
HEINLEIN’S RULES FOR WRITING 1. You must write. 2. You must finish what you write. 3. You must refrain from rewriting, except to editorial order. 4. You must put the work on the market. 5. You must keep the work on the market until it is sold. [Robert A. Heinlein] This week – and this […]
What is Steampunk?
So I’m taking a Steampunk class through an online writer’s community (6 months to a Steampunk novel class, actually) and when I posted this information on Facebook, I got a question from a friend. Pardon the stupid question, she said, but what is Steampunk? Warehouse 13, I said. Gail Carriger’s Soulless series. She looked at […]
The Right Details
The best gift I’ve ever been given in my life cost five dollars. Yes, you read that right. I was fifteen, and trying out my brand-new culinary skills in my mother’s kitchen. Making large messes. Burning things. And learning what made up delicious food, and how to prepare it. I’d stir batters with my mother’s […]
Contests & Applications
The last week, while fighting a nasty chest cold, I’ve been putting together several entries and applications. Pushing through being sick made the whole process harder, but I’m proud of the final product on all of them. First, I entered the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards which opened last night and continues to accept applications until […]