Today we’re starting a month long celebration of the release of VACANT! We’ve got guest posts, interviews, excerpts, and reviews lined up to give everyone a bit more info about the genre, the story, and me! Below you’ll find the complete tour schedule of blog hosts, and links to their sites. In addition to the […]
5 Ways to Build Suspense in Your Manuscript
What is suspense? Suspense is dramatic tension, the anticipation of things to come and questions to be answered. If you do it well, your reader will eagerly stay up well past his bedtime to read one more chapter. If you lose it, the reader will close the book and may never come back. You don’t […]
My First Ever Guest Blog Goes Live Today
In exciting news, my first EVER guest blog went up today at The Qwillery! If you remember, the fine folks at Qwillery invited me to participate in their Debut Author Challenge back in March (very nice of them I thought) and offered me a guest blog. The post is about cross-genre books. Check it out […]