I’ve been working on an interesting project this week as a break from the Mindspace world while my brain simmers over the plot. Telltale Games is hosting a big creative video game writing workshop in March, and I’ve been working on the application. I’d love to work with them, if that comes out of the […]
New Features On The Horizon
Hello all. Today’s post is an introduction, of sorts. I’ve mentioned that revamping my blog is among my goals this year, and the first steps have been taken. I’m really excited about a couple of new features that will be starting soon. Of course, I’ll still be posting personal notes to you, and sharing book […]
Three Words is Back
As you know, it’s been a hard winter for me thus far. (Check out my blog post explaining it here.) I’m still figuring out next steps, but some good things have happened and you guys have reached out in amazing support. I am incredibly encouraged. I’ve dived back in to the next Adam book and it’s […]
Bridge & Backstory
I was thinking about backstory this morning, and playing around with a metaphor in my head about holding your cards close to your chest. The cool metaphor, of course, is to compare fiction writing to poker, but I don’t actually know much about it. On the other hand, I was holding bridge cards from the time I was eight.
Reasons to Write
There are 1,939 reasons not to write, but on the other hand only a few very big reasons to sit down and do it. Don’t let the numbers fool you – the big ones outweigh the small ones by a long shot.