In which I speak of humility and hope. Hello dear readers, The craziness of NaNo & Thanksgiving having subsided, I’ll go ahead and congratulate all of you who made your goals this November, in writing and otherwise. Congratulations!!! Sadly, I was not one of those folks. I came in at just over 25k for my […]
Happy Thanksgiving, All!
Today we sit down with food, with family and friends, and celebrate the things we’re thankful for. In the spirit of Adam’s weekly assignment, I’ll choose three things I’m grateful for today. (1) Mimosas with pink flamingo stirrers. (Ask my Twitter feed.) (2) The feel of a warm fuzzy sweater on a painfully cold morning. […]
Juggling Rabbits
As of yesterday, I have 23,544 words written this month for NaNo, a very sad number. We will take a moment and sigh over the sadness of that number. Sigh. On the bright side, I got copyedits for Book Three back to the editor this morning (on time, I might add). Marked is a great […]
Guess what I got today?
Bookmarks!! The publisher sent me some amazing bookmarks for me to give away at conventions and signings to some very lucky readers. And since you guys asked… I’m also happy to send out a few to blog readers as well. (Email me at alex (at) ahugheswriter dot com by the end of November with […]
NaNo Update the Second
Or, An Author Playing Hooky Well, dear readers, you will have gathered by now that I missed my update on Friday. There are two excellent reasons for this: one, Sam decided I was working too hard and decided a Road Trip Must Happen Now. On Wednesday afternoon, no less. And two, as I like a […]
NaNo Update #1
Ah, the sweet smell of… falling behind. So, as promised last week, I am going to update on my progress during NaNo here on the blog. NaNo started one week ago today (on the 1st) and I’ve been thrilled and excited to participate in some really cool communities on SavvyAuthors, NaNo itself, and beyond. I’ve […]
Join Me for NaNo This Year
Hi all, Most of you by now will have heard of NaNoWriMo, the once-a-year marathon of writing joy over at (which as I write is down from overload, but will be back up again soon). The idea is that you write 50,000 words in just a month, and it’s a great way to find […]
Ask a Question… Get an Awesome Answer
This week a reader from Australia, Matt, found me on Twitter wanting to know why my book wasn’t available for Kindle for him. I asked the publisher about it, and they said there’s normally a 3 month delay for UK / Australia / South Africa, but that there had been a technical glitch. Matt and […]
Results of the Survey Are In – Reader Bonus Time
Hello fabulous readers, As promised, I’m sharing the results of my survey from September 30th. I asked you guys to tell me what kind of reader bonus you’d like, and this is what you responded: 25% (5) voted for Full-length new short stories once or twice a quarter through the email list 10% (2) voted […]
Marked Cover Reveal
Much love to all of you who have waited so patiently – the cover for Book #3 of Mindspace Investigations is finally ready to share! Feast your eyes on Marked. Oh, and the amazing quote by the News and Sentinel in West Virginia – those guys *rock.* The background is based on the inside of the Guild building […]