To celebrate Halloween, I’m posting an exclusive section of Vacant, the fourth Mindspace Investigations novel out December 2nd. One lucky person who comments below (or posts on Twitter including @ahugheswriter so I see you) will receive his/her choice of an audiobook in the series OR an *early* copy of Vacant when I receive it more than two weeks […]
Flash Fiction & Giveaway at Books Make Me Happy
Hi all, Today I’m participating in Jennifer’s Halloween Flash Fiction event over at Books Make Me Happy. Check it out for a flash fiction story by me and a chance to win a copy of Marked. Alex
My New York Adventure
If you’ve been following me on social media, you know that I recently visited New York for ComicCon. Since I’d never been to New York before, that was a little nuts (in a great way). I’d only ever seen the city in television and the movies, and it was both more and less than I was […]
Too Many Choices
There are two great truths in any life: Given enough time, resources, and energy, you can do anything. There will never be enough time, resources, and energy to do everything. I am running up against the second rule like crazy right now. I have literally a pile of “Someday/Maybe” work and an even bigger pile of […]
Great News for My Audiobook Listeners
Most of you already know that my first three Mindspace novels, Clean, Sharp, and Marked, are available as audiobooks through The amazing Daniel May is the narrator, and I couldn’t be more happy with the way he brings Adam to life as a character through his words. There are samples you can play at […]
My DragonCon Schedule
Hi all, I’m looking forward to seeing you guys at DragonCon this upcoming weekend on Labor Day! For those who are interested, here’s the stuff I’ll be speaking at. Come say hi! 🙂 ——————- Title: Protagonist Professions in UF Description: Authors share how the daytime/mundane jobs their characters hold impact their supernatural existence. Time: Fri […]
“We need stories. Stories help us make sense of the world.” – Stephanie, the amazing Sunday lunch speaker at Willamette Writers Convention this year. So I’ve been traveling. Not the simple A to B traveling—no, that would be far too simple. I’ve been traveling between cities for awhile now, short stops with big things […]
Rabbit Trick now $0.99
Hi All, Just to let everyone know, I’ve lowered the price of Rabbit Trick, my short story in the Mindspace Investigations series, to just $0.99 on Amazon and Smashwords. The other retailers are in process, but should be at the same level within the week. Here’s all the info: Synopsis: OPEN MIND When the […]
I’m going to San Diego ComicCon
Hi all, I have just confirmed my travel plans for San Diego ComicCon at the end of the month! I will be there on Friday and Saturday (July 26th and 27th) and am looking forward to the awesome geekdom, fun costumes, and amazing experience of it all. I am tentatively scheduled for a panel on […]
So I Asked My Readers for Three Words
Early last week, I asked my readers for three words via my email newsletter list. I knew that I owed them short stories, you see, but all of my ideas were turning into longer pieces. What was a girl to do? Well, ask for help of course! The email newsletter folks responded with over 35 […]