A book club contacted me because they were reading Clean (yay) and wanted me to answer some questions. Since my answers were long, I thought you might like to read them. __ 1. How do you approach setting up a plausible tone of the period you are writing about when it has yet to happen? […]
Reader Question: Why Hasn’t Adam “Fixed” His Addiction?
I had a reader contact me today with a question I’ve been asked a few times now, why Adam doesn’t just “fix” his addiction or have it “fixed” by the Guild Structure people. This is a good question! And I love that my readers are thinking deeply about the world and the rules of the […]
The Great Expecting
Hi all, I have some great news! I am preggers. Pregnant. Expecting. Knocked up. It’s traditional to wait until the end of the first trimester to tell everyone, but I’m impatient, so you guys get to find out now (at 11 weeks). Yep, you can totally wish me mazel tov. (I’ll wait 🙂 ) This […]
An Ending and a New Beginning
Hello, all. Today, we’re doing a bit of blog “housekeeping”. I’d like to get some opinions from you, and let you know where we stand on a few things. First: How have you been liking the “Talk Nerdy To Me” posts? I’ve really been enjoying the variety of topics. Have there been any posts that […]
Be Afraid
Be afraid. The food you’re eating. The water you’re drinking. The containers they’re sitting in. The BPA. The non-organic. The processed. The food-bourne illness. The bacteria. The viruses. The mold. The termites. Be afraid. The government, spying on you. The companies, stealing from you. The guy next door to you, the person standing at your […]
New Features On The Horizon
Hello all. Today’s post is an introduction, of sorts. I’ve mentioned that revamping my blog is among my goals this year, and the first steps have been taken. I’m really excited about a couple of new features that will be starting soon. Of course, I’ll still be posting personal notes to you, and sharing book […]
For My Readers
Thank you all for your encouragement while I explore this new publishing adventure, and for your support of me, my characters, and my stories. You guys are amazing. Alex
VACANT Blog Tour and Scavenger Hunt Starts Today!
Today we’re starting a month long celebration of the release of VACANT! We’ve got guest posts, interviews, excerpts, and reviews lined up to give everyone a bit more info about the genre, the story, and me! Below you’ll find the complete tour schedule of blog hosts, and links to their sites. In addition to the […]
Flash Fiction & Giveaway at Books Make Me Happy
Hi all, Today I’m participating in Jennifer’s Halloween Flash Fiction event over at Books Make Me Happy. Check it out for a flash fiction story by me and a chance to win a copy of Marked. Alex