Former marine biologist Allison Pang is the author of the urban fantasy Abby Sinclair series, the weekly Fox & Willow web-comic, and other short stories in various anthologies. She’s joining us today to talk about one of her passions… LEGO GEEKERY! If you follow me at all on social media, you probably know I’m a […]
New Features On The Horizon
Hello all. Today’s post is an introduction, of sorts. I’ve mentioned that revamping my blog is among my goals this year, and the first steps have been taken. I’m really excited about a couple of new features that will be starting soon. Of course, I’ll still be posting personal notes to you, and sharing book […]
VACANT Blog Tour Scavenger Hunt Winner Announced
Hi all! Just popping in to your holiday celebration to announce the winner of the VACANT Blog Tour Scavenger Hunt!!! MOLLY SMITH Congrats to Molly, and thanks to each of you who visited our awesome tour hosts and participated in the scavenger hunt. (And thanks to each of the blogs who participated, you guys rock!) […]
Scavenger Hunt & Contest Updates!!
All of our “CLUE-styled” Scavenger Hunt clues have been posted, all of our VACANT Blog Tour stops are live, and you’ve got til tomorrow night to win so many things! There are individual blog contests and giveaways happening on many of the blogs (some have ended, so check each blog’s contest info). Print books, audio […]
VACANT Blog Tour and Scavenger Hunt Starts Today!
Today we’re starting a month long celebration of the release of VACANT! We’ve got guest posts, interviews, excerpts, and reviews lined up to give everyone a bit more info about the genre, the story, and me! Below you’ll find the complete tour schedule of blog hosts, and links to their sites. In addition to the […]